Update 2.1.0 EASY ASSEMBLY app

What’s new in the latest update?


In order to you the best possible support, we endeavor to keep the EASY ASSEMBLY app up-to-date in terms of technology and content. This is the reason for regular updates of the EASY ASSEMBLY app. If you would like to have the best user experience with our app, it is necessary to constantly install the updates on your mobile device

For each update we analyse (technical) error descriptions by users and try to fix them if possible. Unfortunately, there are errors on which we do not have any influence.  Some bugs are caused by hardware problems of your smartphone, the software that is installed or missing on your smartphone. Or sometimes your personal user settings are the reasons for errors.




What changes with the new update?


  • If you use iPhone 6s or newer version, you can navigate our app with 3D Touch functionality
  • Our app includes two more languages: Polish and Uzbek
  • Various technical bugs are fixed with this update
  • Some language translations are optimised


  • Our app includes two more languages: Polish and Uzbek
  • Various technical bugs are fixed with this update
  • Some language translations are optimised


Update 2.1.0 EASY ASSEMBLY app
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