EASY ASSEMBLY app update

App update – new functions

EASY ASSEMBLY app Blum overviewWe are happy to hear your positive feedback about the newest update. In the following, we explain the new functions of our EASY ASSEMBLY app to you.

What’s new?

With our update in November 2017 all assembly instructions are optimized and adjusted for mobile devices.

We reduced the app data size significantly. Moreover, all illustrations are language-neutral now. There are clickable icons and a quick and easy navigation should give you a good user experience.

There is also a new mapping-function. Thanks to this you can save your relevant assembly instructions and videos to quickly find them again.




We are also pleased to announce that our EASY ASSEMBLY app is now available in Finland. Thus, we provide our app in 100 countries and 32 languages. You can individually choose your country and language settings during your initial app installation or in your app settings later on.


In Germany, Austria and United Kingdom you can now use our LIVE SUPPORT function. If you have any questions about the assembly of our products you can directly get in touch with our technical support team via live chat and video call. At the moment, this function is only available in the named countries. If appreciated by our customers, we will introduce this new support function in other countries as well.

Step 1: Select a product in the EASY ASSEMBLY app. On the top corner you will now see the LIVE SUPPORT banner. Click to open or download.

Step 2: Tell us the topic or product you would like to ask about. In a short time, one of our technical support employees will get in touch with you to solve your issue.

Our app updates are based on your feedback. We would like to invite you to share your ideas and improvements. Leave us a comment here or write to app.support@blum.com.

EASY ASSEMBLY app update
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