How do I position the bracket profile for SERVO-DRIVE with LEGRABOX or TANDEMBOX correctly?

How do I position the bracket profile for SERVO-DRIVE with LEGRABOX or TANDEMBOX correctly?

This picture shows a Blum SERVO-DRIVELEGRABOX or TANDEMBOX pull-outs supported by SERVO-DRIVE offer particularly easy electrical and handle-less opening. But how important is it that the bracket profile is positioned correctly?






If the bracket profile is not positioned correctly, the pull-out may not open properly when touched. We provide helpful guidelines on how to correctly affix the bracket profile both in the catalogue and at

Here is an example of the dimensions to which you must pay particular attention:

This picture shows the position of the bracket profil

This picture shows the position of the bracket profil

This picture shows the position of the bracket profil

Do you need more information on how to assemble and install SERVO-DRIVE correctly? Then visit our website at There you will find our online catalogue, installation instructions and assembly videos.

How do I position the bracket profile for SERVO-DRIVE with LEGRABOX or TANDEMBOX correctly?
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